Sunday, November 9, 2008

Friedrich began filmmaking in 1978 and has produced and directed eighteen 16mm films and videos.


Galeries:Museum of Modern Art, Whitney Museum of American Art.

Su Friedrich's films, such as "First Comes Love", investigate the political and cultural ideals of modern society. In First Comes Love, Friedfrich makes her commentary on the issue of gay marriage through personal "home" movies of four dfferent coupled getting married. I chose to dicuss her work because I am impressed at her ability to combat this issue with a personal piece of art. Although the movie may sound simple enough, four couples and four weddings, what she is saying is much bigger than that. I was alos very drawn to her fiml stills. I have started to really like the grainy, blurry, dream like quality you get from film stills. I was very pleased with how some of the pictures I took from my home videos turned out. When you take an image from a moving image there's a lot behind that one picture that isn't completely recognizable by the viewer. It has a mysterioius quality. Seems to take time out of the linear.

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