Sunday, November 2, 2008

Alan Berliner

"Alan Berliner's uncanny ability to combine experimental cinema, artistic purpose, and popular appeal in compelling film essays has made him one of America's most acclaimed independent filmmakers"(Web Site).

"As an independent filmmaker, Alan Berliner has dedicated the majority of his work to the legacy of the family album and the personal histories embedded within names" (Walker Art Center)

Statement-" I
tell personal stories. I work from what I know. You can use the personal to explore very broad, wide-ranging kinds of experience relating to identity. I try to make my films windows and mirrors for the experience that I’m exploring and allow people to see themselves in aspects of the film or to learn about parts of the broader types of experience I’m exploring through the film. I want to try to touch everybody with the warm and friendly shock of recognition."



Web Site-


Supporting Galleries-
Walker Art Center Minneapolis, MN , Museum of Modern Art, International Center of Photography

Berliner's statement about touching people through recognition is what caught my attention. I have not yet seen any of his film, but plan to do so very soon. At the moment my project is focused on my personal story and my family history. The home movies that I am working with are all dealing with subject matter that can be recognized by everyone. What also caught my attention was Berliner's statement about working with the personal to in order to explore a broader range of topics, such as identity. My project is still in its beginnings. Berliner's films and statement about his work are inspiring. I can relate to what he says about his work and using the personal experience to make a bigger statement.

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