Sunday, September 28, 2008

josephine Meckseper

Josephine Meckseper’s photographs and mixed‑medium installations cunningly expose the links between politics and the consumer worlds of fashion and advertising. The artist grew up in an artistic family with ties to the revolutionary left (her father, artist Friedrich Meckseper, had anarchist inclinations and her mother has been an elected representative of the Green Party).

In Meckseper’s photographic series Blow‑Up (2006), models are dressed in sturdy elastic stockings and the 1950s lingerie that is still sold in Manhattan’s Lower East Side. These life‑size pictures are displayed on a wall that is covered from floor to ceiling with reflective wallpaper printed with pages from the 1976 German mail‑order catalogue Quelle International. The home products and clothing offered for sale in that publication are those that Meckseper grew up with in divided Germany, and they summon the contrasts between the tastes of Western European middle classes and the Eastern Bloc’s mass‑produced, functional, and uniform fashion, which, the artist says, was “part of a planned economy and not a status symbol. -MOMA

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Review of Work-

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