Wednesday, September 10, 2008


"A common complaint about organic and local foods is that they're more expensive than "conventional" (industrial grown) foods. Most consumers don't realize how much we're already paying for the conventional foods, before we even get to the supermarket.Our tax dollars subsidize the petroleum used in growing, processing, ans shipping these products. We also pay direct subsidies to the large-scale, chemical-dependent brand of farming. And we're being forced to pay more each year for the environmental and health costs of that method of food production"

Kinksolver, Barbara. "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle." New York:HarperCollins Publishers., 2007.

In this book Barbara Kingsolver sets out on a one year experiment of local eating.

This quote is explaining what goes into the processed food and nonlocal, conventional produce that so many people would rather buy than local organic foods. She also goes into some detail about the fact that big industrial crops, such as corn and soybeans are subsidized by the government, and in turn the tax dollars of American's citizens. People are very unaware of everything that goes into that box of cereal or crackers made mostly of corn and soy in one form or another, or the apples from New Zealand. traveling more distance than some will in their lifetimes.

My topic is local food. I want to inspire and inform people to start making decisions about what they are eating. I believe in supporting local farmers and organic produce and the abstinence from processed food.

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