"When we feel a sense of lightness and openness within, then we are experiencing the opposite of duhkha, a state that is called Sukha. The concept of duhkha plays an important part not only on Yoga but in every significant philosophy of India. There is duhkha at different times in the life of every human being." (T.K.V. Desikachar)
Desikachar, T.K.V. . "The Heart of Yoga" Inner Traditions International. Rochester, Vermont. 1995
Desikachar is the son of Krishnamacharya, the "founder of modern Yoga". He has devoted his life to studying and teaching Yoga. He is an international teacher and widely respected in the Yoga community.
This idea that good and bad, suffering and joy are two aspects of life is why I am using tihs quote. One is not without the other. In my project I am trying to show that both the trauma of birth and the beauty of this same experience are part of the same thing. There is a balance of the good and the bad. One would not exist without the other. The ideas of duhkha and sukha are a bbig part of Indian culture and philosophy. A more recognizable idea would be the Yin and Yang. The light and dark, good and bad.
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